Birdsong Wildflowers

Birdsong is fortunate to be graced with hundreds of wildflower varities - they make themselves at home in the many varied habitats on the property. Each month of the year will find different plants in their own particular life cycle stages - flowering, seeding, or sprouting anew.

sensitive briar Volunteer Eleanor Dietrich has been photographing wildflowers at Birdsong for many years and is making her beautiful photographs available to visitors. Her "Birdsong Wildflowers" Flickr site is well organized into individual folders, one for each month, March-thru-November. Each folder has pictures of notable wildflowers a visitor at Birdsong is likely to encounter that month.

While plants life cycles' extend over variable periods, the monthly folders give visitors a good sense of what they may see along the trails when they visit.

Please see Eleanor Dietrich's Birdsong Wildflowers Flickr site for wildflowers you are likely to see at Birdsong each month. And come visit them in person when you can!

Pictured: "Sensitive Briar".